Basic Information
Display Name:
Kiri birdsong
Mar 14
I am not to sure what to put here so I'll just go with: HI my name is Kiri, I am an absolute geek and love being such. I play several games(video, card, board, and role playing), I have a sweet pup name Max who is a trained service dog, I love animals definitely more of a big dog person than little dog or cat(I miss my cat though very much), I am pretty much an open book when it comes to me, and yeah been in AZ all my life and still hate the heat lol.
Jan 14 2020

Additional Info

Fursona Reference

Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like.

Fursona Description:
Like a saber tooth tiger, a saberwolf is a prehistoric wolf with elongated canines. Kalix is a pup who was different from the rest of her pack so she went off on her own after a bad dealing with the pack leader. She is a curious playful pup; she gets into trouble at times, she becomes lazy and will find a soft patch of grass, or she will act as if the world is a giant playground. The next oddity the separated her from her pack is her midnight blue fur with stripes of teal down her body. She has a bright Nordic moon on her right forepaw. Her eyes are different colors one an emerald green and the other sky blue. One ear is up right but the other flops giving way her age. Finally she has a scar upon her muzzle left by her old pack leader after one to many mistakes, which is part of why she has a hard time doing what others tell her. She made up her mind that a true pack and pack leader should not have to harm others in the pack to ensure safety especially if a mark is left.
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