This is a simple group for all to join. Its just a group that furs from Prescott or Prescott valley can meet, greet and ...
This is a simple group for all to join. Its just a group that furs from Prescott or Prescott valley can meet, greet and create friendly chats or perhaps even friends.
Hi I'm Boo! I just found this site and wanted to know if there were any events/meetups going on in the area or if I could potentially organize a small group meetup? I've been struggling to make friends out here for the past couple years and would like to get to know the other furs in my area.
The one Telegram channel I'm in has like 775 people in it...that's what I meant when I said people moved to Telegram and Discord. :> There's aThe one Telegram channel I'm in has like 775 people in it...that's what I meant when I said people moved to Telegram and Discord. :> There's a community but it doesn't show itself on this site very often. More ...
Hey, I joined this awhile back but kinda forgot this website existed afterwards.
Figured I'd introduce myself. Names Chandler and I'm a highschooler. I don't have any friends in the fandom that live in state so finding this group was pretty cool.
This is a simple group for all to join. Its just a group that furs from Prescott or Prescott valley can meet, greet and create friendly chats or perhaps even friends.
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