Updated 07/30/21
AZ Furs are Furries in Arizona. The real question you might have is, "What are furries?"
The term furry describes a diverse community of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Most furries create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they identify and can function as an avatar within the community. Some furries wear elaborate costumes or paraphernalia such as animal ears or tails, or represent themselves as anthropomorphic animals in online communities such as Second Life, VR Chat, NeosVR, and more.
Furry fandom is an inclusive term that describes the community of furries that span online, local, and international settings. The furry fandom is global, with thousands of local groups existing worldwide and hundreds of conventions held annually. Like many fandoms, furries overlap with other fandoms such as anime or science fiction.Anthrocon 2014 rolled into Pittsburgh and with it 6,000 Furries. Amna Nawaz dives into what makes these people dress and play in full-body fursuits
Billie JD Porter parties with the furries of San Diego for a day. Watch the series on All 4
After recording a few songs in a hotel room in Phoenix, Pepper and myself sat down in fursuit to recording our version of the 1990 classic, More Than Words by Extreme. All original with Pepper even laying down the guitar for this track.
Our locals are bursting with talent! Here is our very own Pepper Coyote and his friend Duke doing a live recording in Fursuit.
AZfurs.com Supporters
Linx Aether - www.phxdragon.com
Desert Fox - www.etsy.com/shop/FoxApproved
Matrices - www.matrices.net
Sparky - SparkyPics.com