Basic Information
Display Name:
Shepard Mutt
Closet fur here! I'm a freshman at the U of A and am currently in the college of science! I've been a fur for a while, but am finally getting a suit head this spring! I'll be at BLFC and AZCF 2016 and am very excited to start getting to know more people in the fandom and making some friends!
* I'm an artist; you can find on Instagram and FA(I'm SUPER inactive there) at Sparrowspades !
* I am outgoing and not shy! I would love to go to meets with people.
* This past year has been when I have been accepting myself as a fur and becoming more involved in the community and hope to be more so soon!
Jan 20 2016

Additional Info

Fursona Reference

Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like.

Contact Info

Social Media

Furry Accounts


Steam ID:
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Meet With Us

Come hang out with us at our regular meets and events! We love meeting new furs and people who are interested in the fandom. Check out the Events section for more information.