Basic Information
Display Name:
Junipurr Lycan
Mar 09
21-yr old aspiring writer and artist. Relatively new resident to AZ and a junior-level student at the UA. Looking for other furries nearby to get to know. Animation fanatic.

I do take art commissions! More info later. :3
Apr 14 2019

Additional Info

Fursona Reference

Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like.

Fursona Description:
Built like a wolf with a tiger-like face and head shape. Thick, black coat and an even thicker feathery tail, the top coat of her tail speckled with dark blue and two white stripes just behind the speckles. The same speckling is present on her calves, ankles, wrists, and forehead (here, it's exactly four spots in the form of a wide diamond). Her paw pads, nose, and a thick outline lining her ear are the same shade of blue.

White, slightly organized pixie cut with frequent wisps and curls, parted bangs sweeping over the top spot and the right spot on her forehead. Dark brown eyes with pale rings around the irises that glint ice blue when angry. Light brown-rimmed glasses and a red scarf (also known as her power scarf. It gives her power.) cuz red scarves mean you're cool in her books.

Reserved, but friendly and talkative when comfortable around someone. Head-in-the-clouds type of gal. High neuroticism. Loves art, gaming, and pizza.

(Character count too small. TwT)
Contact Info

Social Media

Furry Accounts



junily413 #2642
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