Basic Information
Display Name: |
Birthday: |
Jun 20
About: |
Hi I'm West, I am 23 years young and I love to do art. I work at a cat shelter, I love animals, like to do art. I recently got into the furr fandom. I made and named my fursona Masquerade and I'm excited to wear it to events.
Gender: | |
Joined: |
Dec 23 2019
Additional Info
Website: | |
Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like. |
Species: | |
Fursona Description: |
Masquerade is sort of a deformed Manned Wolf. It got has a pink outlining around his eyes which gives it its name. It was born with large ears and pieces from its ears. It is kind but cautious about people it meets. It can not see very well and hair is turning grey. It is not the brightest creature you've seen but has love for people and animals.
Contact Info
Discord: |
TheWestITheBest #4832
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