Basic Information
Display Name: |
Birthday: |
Jun 03
About: |
Hey, I'm Arcay!
I am a friendly wox out of Bagdad, Arizona (near Prescott). About me: I'm a sportsman that lives to be outdoors, I am also gay, Offroading and riding motorcycles since I was 4, I play airsoft, I love to go to the shooting range often ..... Born and raised in the country. |
Gender: | |
Joined: |
Feb 26 2020
Location: |
Additional Info
Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like. |
Species: | |
Fursona Description: |
Arcay is a wolf, fox, mix. Part wolf part fox.
Primarily grey with some white and light pink parts in the ears. Blue eyes, Red ring around the muzzle. Purple rings around the tips of the ears, wrists, and ankles. |
Contact Info
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Desert Fox -
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