Basic Information
Display Name:
Jack The Demonic Wolf
Jun 05
Hello everyone! Im Jack The Demonic Wolf,i have a ref sheet for my character but not a characters name is Jack Demone Wolf,a demon wolf furry that was originally a human that killed his husband in self defense and then commited suicide because he couldn't live with himself,he went to hell for a few years then he was condemned to walk the earth for eternity because he committed the ultimate sins,murder and suicide,i based his backstory off of La Llorona because she committed murder and suicide and the hell in Jack's backstory is similar to the in Hasbin Hotel.Im a white american who roleplays a lot in my freetime with a few of my friends,i roleplay as a gay demon wolf named Jack,hence my user,and me and my character share something in common,were both gay
Feb 24 2021

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Fursona Reference

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Fursona Description:
A gay Male demon wolf that is very kind and sweet but has a dark side,he has black fur and black horns,Black Feathered Wings that have crosses burnt into them,he wears a neon purple shirt,blue jeans and a white tie,he is also a very good baker and can sing very well
Fursona Reference Sheet:
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