Basic Information
Display Name:
Jul 17
(IRL i’m a Mechanical Engineer with a passion for space and biology working on a sci-fi webcomic/novel)
  • He/Him
  • She/Her
  • They/Them
Jul 25 2021

Additional Info

Fursona Reference

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Fursona Description:
jao•múc is a myroil an alien species from the from the fornax dwarf galaxy. Outwardly he appears mostly organic but his already resilient biology has been substantially modified from what was the species norm in millennium past and filled with cybernetics. jao•múc is technically a sequential hermaphrodite, but as the only one of his kind on earth at the moment has remained male his entire life. He is always curious and helpful though often quite manipulative constantly pulling strings on a global scale; while generally altruistic tends to inference when not asked for. That said in many ways he is just a kid wanting to have fun and play with friends. He often feels lonely.
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