Basic Information
Display Name:
Dec 17
Hey, I'm not exactly new to the furry fandom, but I haven't ever really been active in it. My first brush with furries was attending FurtherConfusion in 2014. I haven't ever really had a character to share or interact as until recently, though, so that's why I'm setting up this account.

I'm 27 years old, married to the love of my life, and just looking for friends and SFW roleplay spaces. 💛 Say hi!
  • They/Them
Jul 17 2023

Additional Info

Fursona Reference

Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like.

Fursona Description:
Radds is a green and yellow aardvark with a mane of blonde hair. He's got a bit of a soft tummy and a thick tail, but they only help provide cushion from the high-impact and fast-paced sports he plays.

They work a dead end job, and find joy in playing street hockey and roller blading in their free time.
He's about as chill as they come, and though a little socially awkward, he's outgoing enough to try and make a friend anywhere.
Fursona Reference Sheet:
Contact Info

Social Media

Furry Accounts


If you find an account under @ssjbears, chances are it's mine.
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Meet With Us

Come hang out with us at our regular meets and events! We love meeting new furs and people who are interested in the fandom. Check out the Events section for more information.