Basic Information
Display Name: |
Azzy π¦
Birthday: |
May 26
About: |
A shy yet silly raccoon who's finally gaining the courage to meet other furries and get more involved in the community! Currently working as a web developer, but also work on digital art, music, and game design in my spare time. I also love board games, cooking, and hope to do more conventions, events, and outdoor activities this year!
Gender: | |
Pronouns: |
Joined: |
Jan 31 2025
Location: |
Additional Info
Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like. |
Species: | |
Fursona Reference Sheet: |
Contact Info
Twitter (X): | |
BlueSky: | |
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Desert Fox -
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