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Basic Information
Display Name:
Jun 10
I've gone by the online alias Qba for a very long time, carrying it along with each character change. Initially I used a fennec as my character of choice and he's usually my default. I entertained the thought of using a german sheppard as my avatar for awhile but lately I've been running around as a changeling as it opened the door to some variety in RP.

It's been a while since I've been actively involved in the furry community. In the past I frequented conventions around Seattle and Chicago, as I originally went to college in Bellevue, WA to study video game development.

I live up in Minnesota, but I get down to Arizona multiple times a year due to family so I figured I might as well make some friends while I'm here.

My primary interests are retro video game collecting, photography, and electronics repair. One of the big projects I've completed due to this was building my own arcade machine out of a worn out street fighter 2 cabinet. My biggest vices are vaping, occasionally drinking, and obsessively trying to stay up to date with a couple furry image boards.

Thanks for reading & have a great day! :D
Jan 11 2019

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Fursona Reference

Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like.

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