Basic Information
Display Name: |
Birthday: |
Sep 02
About: |
Hi. I've recently went to my first furry convention. PDFC 2025! Now that I know I want to be part of this community, I'm looking to make friends with other local curries. Some days I think I'm a wolf. Others an otter. I write poetry and love jazz music.
Gender: | |
Pronouns: |
Joined: |
Jan 08 2025
Location: |
Additional Info
Tell us more about your fursona, if you have more than one, just put your main one. You can create a page for your other fursonas if you like. |
Species: | |
Fursona Description: |
I'm still developing Glysen's character. He's a male otter who's my age. I felt especially drawn to otters because I love for Kyell Gold's "Waterways." In high school, reading that book opened me up to the possibility that I might not be straight. I don't have any art of Glysen yet, so for not I just use a picture of an otter of the internet.
Contact Info
Telegram: | |
Discord: |
Other: |
Sorry, I'm not a gamer anymore. I do have many nostalgic memories of Halo Reach online!
| Supporters
Linx Aether -
Desert Fox -
Matrices -
Sparky -