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Howdy! Arizona Furs is hosting a furry meet up at Glendale Glitters! This is a fursuit welcomed event! Plan is to walk a...

Howdy! Arizona Furs is hosting a furry meet up at Glendale Glitters! This is a fursuit welcomed event! Plan is to walk around and enjoy the event together, meet new furs, and familiar faces.


Glendale’s holiday lighting event has become a family tradition across the Valley and Arizona. The stunning display of 1.6 million LED lights will illuminate sixteen blocks of Historic Downtown Glendale.

WHEN: December 6th (Friday)

TIME: 6pm to 10pm

MEET UP LOCATION: Corner of N 58th Dr and W Glenn Dr. (Right beside Bank of America Financial Center)

Click here for exact meet spot in Google Maps


Expect there to be a lot of people and children. Food is sold in the area so keep that in mind when dealing with children while fursuiting. If you are bringing a fursuit, please bring a handler and water to stay hydrated. If you do not need a handler, please bring water.


Event attendees will have the option and convenience of paying for preferred parking in the two downtown garages, located at City Hall, at 59th and Glenn Drive and Bank of America Building, at 58th and Glenn Drives.  Free parking shuttles are available (4:30-10pm) November 29 and 30 from Glendale Community College, located at 59th and Olive avenues in the north parking lots. Access is from 59th Avenue, north of Olive Avenue.

PLEASE NOTE: Handicapped parking is available at no charge in the two parking garages, with either handicapped placard or license plate.

Below is the telegram chat for Glendale Glitters Meetup

Glendale Glitters Telegram

*Note: This event card will be updated frequently*

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      Friday, 29 November 2019
    Just a reminder, date has been moved to December 6th. ...
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  • Ditch updated Glendale Glitters Furry Meetup details
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  • Ditch updated Glendale Glitters Furry Meetup details
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    Glendale Glitters Furry Meetup

    Howdy! Arizona Furs is hosting a furry meet up at Glendale Glitters! This is a fursuit welcomed event! Plan is to walk around and enjoy the event together, meet new furs, and familiar faces.


    Glendale’s holiday lighting event has become a family tradition across the V...

    Howdy! Arizona Furs is hosting a furry meet up at Glendale Glitters! This is a fursuit welcomed event! Plan is to walk around and enjoy the event together, meet new furs, and familiar faces.


    Glendale’s holiday lighting event has become a family tradition across the Valley and Arizona. The stunning display of 1.6 million LED lights will illuminate sixteen blocks of Historic Downtown Glendale.

    WHEN: December 6th (Friday)

    TIME: 6pm to 10pm

    MEET UP LOCATION: Corner of N 58th Dr and W Glenn Dr. (Right beside Bank of America Financial Center)

    Click here for exact meet spot in Google Maps


    Expect there to be a lot of people and children. Food is sold in the area so keep that in mind when dealing with children while fursuiting. If you are bringing a fursuit, please bring a handler and water to stay hydrated. If you do not need a handler, please bring water.


    Event attendees will have the option and convenience of paying for preferred parking in the two downtown garages, located at City Hall, at 59th and Glenn Drive and Bank of America Building, at 58th and Glenn Drives.  Free parking shuttles are available (4:30-10pm) November 29 and 30 from Glendale Community College, located at 59th and Olive avenues in the north parking lots. Access is from 59th Avenue, north of Olive Avenue.

    PLEASE NOTE: Handicapped parking is available at no charge in the two parking garages, with either handicapped placard or license plate.

    Below is the telegram chat for Glendale Glitters Meetup

    Glendale Glitters Telegram

    *Note: This event card will be updated frequently*

    6th Dec, 2019 6:00PM - 10:00PM - America/Phoenix
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