3 minutes reading time (588 words)

Website Update: Furry Locator, Marketplace, UI Changes, and More

Hello furries! These updates were a long time coming, and now that Covid-19 restrictions are easing, we thought it would be a good idea to release a few updates. The largest update is to the UI of the website, such as the forum, and functionality changes to the social UI across the entire site. If you find any bugs that we didn't catch, you can post in the forums or use the contact form to let us know.

Furry Locator 

It is known that this feature has been bugged out for the longest time, but no longer. When we moved over to Amazon S3 for larger storage and better data protection, it caused an issue with user images loading on the map. We finally applied the fix that we needed.

Loading is a little slow as it loads the profiles of 600+ members that choose to list their location, please be patient. If you would like to be shown on the map, just edit your profile and add your location. We suggest that you do not use exact addresses, but if you use detect location, you can choose a nearby area as your location.


The all new marketplace is here for all members to use completely free! Create simple and easy listings that you can share with other members, or link to from anywhere. We have several furry related categories to post under, feel free to check it out in the social bar anywhere on the site.

Forum UI 

The forums have a new look, functions the same as always, but has a better layout for both desktop and mobile platforms.  No more text being too close to the edge, or difficult to click on links, just a simple functional layout.

The same layout for mobile applies to all pages. We added more padding to the content area to ensure compatibility with most devices. If you have an issue with your device, please let us know on the forums or contact form so we can troubleshoot with your device specifically. 

Social Login/Better Menus 

The menus were a little crowded and confusing, so we organized and removed the clutter. The new social menu also appears on every area of the site, with exception of the home page, making it easier than ever to navigate the site.

The login has remained mostly unchanged. We still offer twitter, username, and email login, with 2fa for added security. However, we removed facebook login due to facebook requiring us to submit the app for reapproval too frequently. In place for the facebook login, we have hadded google sign in. 

If you previously used facebook to sign in, you can sign in with your username/email in the meantime, and add google or twitter the next time you login. Forgot your password? Reset it, or contact us for assistance.

 Minor Updates

You can now post gifs and stickers using the Giphy service on to the social stream and inside any groups, pages, or events timelines. The social posting field also lets you post to any area you want from the community hub.

Delete single messages in PM
Updated profile fields
Scheduled posts
Comment replies
Mini headers for blogs and other pages
Search improvements
New online indicators

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New fursona
Arizona Furs Support Black Lives Matter


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