
Website Update: Furry Locator, Marketplace, UI Changes, and More

Hello furries! These updates were a long time coming, and now that Covid-19 restrictions are easing, we thought it would be a good idea to release a few updates. The largest update is to the UI of the website, such as the forum, and functionality changes to the social UI across the entire site. If you find any bugs that we didn't catch, you can post in the forums or use the contact form to let us know. Furry Locator  It is known that this feature has been bugged out for the longest tim...

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  1137 Hits

Arizona Furs Support Black Lives Matter

The senseless acts of racism and violence that recently took the lives Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dion Johnson, and George Floyd, and threatened Christian Cooper are abhorrent and wrong. We stand with Ahmaud, Breonna, George, Christian, Dion, their families, friends and communities, and call for an end to acts of racism, inequity, and social injustice.Black lives matter. Period. While racism can look very different around the world, one thing that does not look different is that racism ...

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  1632 Hits
24 Visual/Functionality Update

Hello! The developer of the software we use to run has recently updated, giving us many new features and layout options. You may notice some of these changes right away in the community page. Most other pages are not affected. Here are some of the recent changes. Mobile Updates, Features & Filters, Discovery The Sidebar  First off, NO MORE CLUNKY SIDEBAR! I am happy to finally say that. We now have the new "Discovery" menu. Click on your profile picture and select an opt...

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  1629 Hits

Introducing Paid Events on

What are paid events?Some events in our community cost the organizers a lot to run. These events are usually the larger ones, such as the BBQ and the Bowling meets. We are stepping in to help with these costs by creating a ticket system for these events. Any paid event is created by trusted organizers that have been doing this for a number of years, the price of the ticket will go to renting a venue, food, and other items needed. Any excess will go to paying for other services we run or to a cha...

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  1497 Hits

AFC2018 Live Stream

​Hey Everyone! will be doing the live stream again at Arizona Fur Con 2018. Starting Friday October 26th, go to (, follow us and turn on notifications for when we are live! We will also be streaming to the Rompfur Room as an overflow for dance comp and other events that are too packed.

  1970 Hits

Server Outage Report

​First off, I apologize for the extended server outage. We had an issue with our firewall rejecting connections to twitter and facebook for login. This has now been resolved and should work perfectly now. :3Update 06/15/18: Twitter logins are not working again, seems to be an issue with our twitter app, we are working with twitter support to get this resolved. Update 06/16/18: Twitter logins are now working. Thank you for your understanding! Report ​Outage Time ​​9 hours 30min ​Affected Services...

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  1781 Hits

What are AZ Furs?

Updated 07/30/21AZ Furs are Furries in Arizona. The real question you might have is, "What are furries?" The term furry describes a diverse community of fans, artists, writers, gamers, and role players. Most furries create for themselves an anthropomorphized animal character (fursona) with whom they identify and can function as an avatar within the community. Some furries wear elaborate costumes or paraphernalia such as animal ears or tails, or represent themselves as anthropomorphic animals in ...

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  20687 Hits

We ended our Meetup account~

As many of you know, we ended our account at the end of last year. The reason for this is that it was under utilized and cost too much to maintain.  Rather than keep paying for it, we chose to move all events to It has all the features of meetup and then some, allowing people to see events without having an account, and to RSVP after setting up an account. This is particularly useful for people who don't use FB, Twitter or FurAffinity. All of our main events...

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  1968 Hits

Website Revamp

​First of all, thank you to the community for your understanding and patience. I apologize for the data loss and the long time it took to restore the user database and files. I have taken steps to prevent this in the future, such as offsite backups every week, and onsite backups every day on to a dedicated drive.  I created this site in 2013, and so far we have only had 1 data loss event, and 2 major outages. For a small site like ours, that is pretty good, but something we never want to ha...

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  1753 Hits

Meet With Us

Come hang out with us at our regular meets and events! We love meeting new furs and people who are interested in the fandom. Check out the Events section for more information.