
New fursona

Made a new fursona today, can’t wait to make more art of her. Her name is Eliane and she’s half lynx half light fury dragon

435 Hits

Website Update: Furry Locator, Marketplace, UI Changes, and More

Hello furries! These updates were a long time coming, and now that Covid-19 restrictions are easing, we thought it would be a good idea to release a few updates. The largest update is to the UI of the website, such as the forum, and functionality changes to the social UI across the entire site. If you find any bugs that we didn't catch, you can post in the forums or use the contact form to let us know. Furry Locator  It is known that this feature has been bugged out for the longest tim...

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929 Hits

Arizona Furs Events Update

Howdy AZ furs! The CDC is going to be relaxing mask mandates soon for fully vaccinated people and we are all chomping at the bit to get meet ups going again. Well, it's happening! Starting June 1st 2021, we will be allowing meets-ups to be posted on and here in the chat. It's been a long time coming and we are all glad to see vaccinations still on the rise as more and more furs are becoming fully vaccinated.What you need to know about posting events: We do ask that everyone ...

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1011 Hits

Arizona Furs Support Black Lives Matter

The senseless acts of racism and violence that recently took the lives Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dion Johnson, and George Floyd, and threatened Christian Cooper are abhorrent and wrong. We stand with Ahmaud, Breonna, George, Christian, Dion, their families, friends and communities, and call for an end to acts of racism, inequity, and social injustice.Black lives matter. Period. While racism can look very different around the world, one thing that does not look different is that racism ...

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1325 Hits

i am now doing request


 hello everyone i am now doing request for anyone who wants me to draw their sona, leave a comment on my profile and i will get to it soon

702 Hits

Meet With Us

Come hang out with us at our regular meets and events! We love meeting new furs and people who are interested in the fandom. Check out the Events section for more information.